React Router Redux demo app

Supun Bhagya
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


This is a simple app to demonstrate the basics to develop a production ready React app using Router and Redux. This app has two functionalities, add a student to the student registration system and view all added students. the app UI needs a bit of styling, so I use material-ui package to achieve that.

1. Environment set up

I assume you have installed node.js and ready to execute npm commands.

Firstly, create react app folder structure and required files using the create-react-app command. Then we will install other dependencies Router, Redux and material-ui

npm create-react-app react-router-redux-demo
cd react-router-redux-demo
npm install --save react-router-dom
npm install --save redux
npm install --save react-redux
npm install @material-ui/core

What is react-router?

React Router is the standard routing library for React. It loads code/components based on the specified URL path. As you know, React app use only one HTML file to render components. React Router dynamically renders components on this HTML file according to the URL path. More importantly, this feature allows us to add multipage behaviour to a react app.

What is Redux

Redux makes it easy to manage the state of JavaScript applications. In other words, Redux helps us to manage the data model of our application and reflect these changes on the views.

2. Folder Structure

We will use the following folder structure for the app.

Actions: Call service methods and update the state of our application

Components: React components and Views

Constants: Common Constants definitions to be used in the application

Helper: Supporting items

Reducers: Model definitions to manage the state of the application

Services: Execute operations such as accessing external resources

3. Add Redux to the app

We need to understand three basics of Redux before applying it to React.

  • Store

Redux store holds the application state. The state of the application can be accessed by getState() method. Also, React components can register their listeners to the Redux store using connect() which comes with react-redux package.

Here is our store for this application.

  • Actions

Actions are payloads of information that send data from the application to the Redux store. Action payload contains action type and data. Following is an example of Redux action, ADD_STUDENT_REQUEST is the type of this action and it carries a student as its data.

student: {

An action is sent to the store using dispatch(action) action. AllAction.js defines different actions to update the application state.

  • Reducers

Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to actions sent to the store. The reducer is a pure function that takes the previous state and action then returns the next state. Here is our reducer to add a new student. You can see crudStudent() returns different states for different action types.

4. Services

This is the layer that interacts with external resources. A service method may call an external API to fetch data, read local storage or execute simple client-side logic. In our case, the service methods read and write students to the local storage.

5. Components

Firstly, We will create MenuBar.js component, which is used to navigate to different views(pages) of the application. This is a common component of this application. We will use <AppBar> component from material-ui to add a little bit of styling to this component.

Now, we can create Home.js component. As you can see, it uses MenuBar.js as its dependent component.

Similarly, we will create the other two components AddStudent.js and ViewStudents.js

6. React Route

Our purpose is creating a multipage application using React. This can be achieved using React-Router. There is a couple of options to do this,

We will use BrowserRouter for our application as it provides much-needed features in the production such as SEO friendly URLs and shareable links.

All route definitions are in the App.js component. This is the root component of the application and it renders other components based on the URL path.

7. Test it

Now app is ready to test. Run npm start to run the app

Full code in my Git repository



Supun Bhagya
Supun Bhagya

Written by Supun Bhagya

Co-founder of | Love coding and share experience with others

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